A little bit about Me & Meditation

Meditation saves lives. Meditation changes lives. Meditation helps us to be the best versions of ourselves.

I’ve been travelling the world for 13 years now studying and learning various Meditation & Mindfulness Techniques, and now being able to add Elite Athlete Wellbeing Manager to my Toolbox is something I’m very proud of.

I starting my journey with Buddhist Meditation learning Mindfulness, then off to California with Deepak Chopra learning Mantra based Meditation, then on to Mexico with Joe Dispenza learning Advanced Neuroplasticity Meditation.

I’ve been fortunate to have taken part in numerous scientific studies on Meditation and the benefits it has on the body, including one with UCLA and The Chopra centre looking at the re-growth of Teleomeres, and 3 with Dr Joe Dispenza in Mexico. Studies with EEG, looking at how brainwaves change in Meditation and the healing effect that has on the body, GDV testing, looking at the energy distribution in the body, and Heartmath measuring heart coherence.

I chose to train with Davidji as a Meditation Teacher & Mindfulness Coach as he has worked first hand with The Elite Military (Navy Seals, Marines, Dutch Special Forces), First Responders (Blue Courage) and Professional Sporting teams. That’s always been my passion and I’m proud to work with these groups to help reduce stress & PTSD, and help create clarity, peace and focus both on the job and outside of work.