A bit about my journey


It all started when…

I was in a job I loved and was being bullied at the same time. I needed help to cope and I wanted to understand why people would behave that way. So off I went to learn how to Calm my Mind. It changed my life. It taught me compassion for those that were being unkind as I chose to learn about their lives outside of work. It taught me how to sit with Devine Mind. It taught me that with discipline I could change my life by changing my Mind.

But mostly it taught me that the most challenging times of our lives can lead to the greatest Growth. It redefined my definition of Success. To me now, success is overcoming your own challenges and adversity to become the best and kindest person you can be. That’s winning to me. That’s how I now live and that’s what I teach.

Now 14 years later, having traveled the world and now being a Certified Meditation Teacher, Elite Athlete Wellbeing Specialist, and Stoic Life Coach, life just gets better and better.

Follow your gut. Follow your heart. Know you are exactly where you are meant to be in this moment. Remember things are happening for us not to us.

And finally, Present moment Awareness is the key that unlocks the door to your best and highest self. Connecting to the stillness and silence that rests within us will change your life. I’m proof of that.

You got this.

Cinzia :)